Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 335d181

IIbis. Mass re­dund­an­cies

1. Defin­i­tion


Mass re­dund­an­cies are no­tices of ter­min­a­tion giv­en by the em­ploy­er to em­ploy­ees of a busi­ness with­in 30 days of each oth­er for reas­ons not per­tain­ing per­son­ally to the em­ploy­ees and which af­fect:

at least 10 em­ploy­ees in a busi­ness nor­mally em­ploy­ing more than 20 and few­er than 100 em­ploy­ees;
at least 10% of the em­ploy­ees of a busi­ness nor­mally em­ploy­ing at least 100 and few­er than 300 em­ploy­ees;
at least 30 em­ploy­ees in a busi­ness nor­mally em­ploy­ing at least 300 em­ploy­ees.

181In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 17 Dec. 1993, in force since 1 May 1994 (AS 1994804; BBl 1993 I 805).


123 III 176 () from 21. April 1997
Regeste: Art. 335d ff. OR und Mitwirkungsgesetz. Massenentlassung. Klageberechtigung der Verbände (E. 1). Anwendbarkeit der Vorschriften über die Massenentlassung im Falle der Nachlassliquidation (E. 3). Pflicht, die Arbeitnehmer zu konsultieren. Zeitpunkt und Dauer der Konsultation (E. 4).


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