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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 34

2. Au­thor­ity arising from a trans­ac­tion

a. Re­stric­tion and re­voc­a­tion


1 A prin­cip­al au­thor­ising an­oth­er to act on his be­half by means of a trans­ac­tion may re­strict or re­voke such au­thor­ity at any time without pre­ju­dice to any rights ac­quired by those in­volved un­der ex­ist­ing leg­al re­la­tion­ships, such as an in­di­vidu­al con­tract of em­ploy­ment, a part­ner­ship agree­ment or a man­date.6

2 Any ad­vance waiver of this right by the prin­cip­al is void.

3 Where the rep­res­en­ted party has ex­pressly or de facto an­nounced the au­thor­ity he has con­ferred, he may not in­voke its total or par­tial re­voc­a­tion against a third party act­ing in good faith un­less he has like­wise an­nounced such re­voc­a­tion.

6 Amended by No II Art. 1 No 1 of the FA of 25 June 1971, in force since 1 Jan. 1972 (AS 1971 1465; BBl 1967 II 241). See also the Fi­nal and Trans­ition­al Pro­vi­sions of Title X, at the end of this Code.