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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 45

V. Spe­cial cases

1. Hom­icide and per­son­al in­jury

a. Dam­ages for hom­icide


1 In a case of hom­icide, com­pens­a­tion must cov­er all ex­penses arising and in par­tic­u­lar the fu­ner­al costs.

2 Where death did not oc­cur im­me­di­ately, the com­pens­a­tion must also in­clude the costs of med­ic­al treat­ment and losses arising from in­ab­il­ity to work.

3 Where oth­ers are de­prived of their means of sup­port as a res­ult of hom­icide, they must also be com­pensated for that loss.