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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 104

2. De­fault in­terest

a. In gen­er­al


1 A debt­or in de­fault on pay­ment of a pe­cu­ni­ary debt must pay de­fault in­terest of 5% per an­num even where a lower rate of in­terest was stip­u­lated by con­tract.

2 Where the con­tract en­vis­ages a rate of in­terest high­er than 5%, wheth­er dir­ectly or by agree­ment of a peri­od­ic bank com­mis­sion, such high­er rate of in­terest may also be ap­plied while the debt­or re­mains in de­fault.

3 In busi­ness deal­ings, where the nor­mal bank dis­count rate at the place of pay­ment is high­er than 5%, de­fault in­terest may be cal­cu­lated at the high­er rate.