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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 209

b. For sales of batches or sets of ob­jects


1 Where the sale in­volves a batch or set of ob­jects of which only some are de­fect­ive, ac­tion for res­cis­sion may be brought only in re­spect of the de­fect­ive items.

2 However, where the de­fect­ive items can­not be sep­ar­ated from the un­flawed items without sub­stan­tial pre­ju­dice to the buy­er or the seller, res­cis­sion of the con­tract of sale must ex­tend to the en­tire batch or set.

3 Res­cis­sion in re­spect of the main sale ob­ject ne­ces­sar­ily in­volves res­cis­sion in re­spect of all ac­cess­ory ob­jects even if they are priced sep­ar­ately, where­as res­cis­sion in re­spect of ac­cess­ory ob­jects does not ex­tend to the main ob­ject.