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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 251

III. Pre­scrip­tion and heirs’ right of ac­tion


1 Re­voc­a­tion may take place at any time in the year com­men­cing on the day on which the grounds for re­voc­a­tion came to the donor’s at­ten­tion.

2 If the donor dies be­fore the end of this one-year peri­od, his right of ac­tion passes to his heirs for the re­mainder of the peri­od.

3 The donor’s heirs may re­voke the gift if the re­cip­i­ent wil­fully and un­law­fully caused the donor’s death or pre­ven­ted him from ex­er­cising his right of re­voc­a­tion.