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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 268

Q. Land­lord’s spe­cial li­en

I. Scope


1 As se­cur­ity for rent for the past year and the cur­rent six-month peri­od, a land­lord of com­mer­cial premises has a spe­cial li­en on chat­tels loc­ated on the leased premises and either used as fix­tures or re­quired for the use of the premises.

2 The land­lord’s spe­cial li­en also ex­tends to prop­erty brought onto the premises by a sub-ten­ant to the ex­tent that he has not paid his rent.

3 Goods not sub­ject to at­tach­ment by cred­it­ors of the ten­ant are not sub­ject to the li­en.