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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 329h142

6. Leave to care for fam­ily mem­bers


An em­ploy­ee is en­titled to paid leave for the time he or she spends caring for a fam­ily mem­ber or life part­ner with health prob­lems; however, the leave is lim­ited to no more than three days per event and no more than ten days per year.

142 In­ser­ted by No II 1 of the FA of 20 Dec. 2019 on Im­prov­ing the Com­pat­ib­il­ity of Em­ploy­ment and Caring for Fam­ily Mem­bers, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 4525; BBl 2019 4103).