Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 330b147

3. Duty of in­form­a­tion


1 Where the em­ploy­ment con­tract has been con­cluded for an in­def­in­ite dur­a­tion or for longer than one month, with­in one month of the be­gin­ning of the em­ploy­ment re­la­tion­ship, the em­ploy­er must in­form the em­ploy­ee in writ­ing of:

the names of the con­tract­ing parties;
the date of the be­gin­ning of the em­ploy­ment re­la­tion­ship;
the em­ploy­ee’s func­tion;
the salary and any ad­di­tion­al be­ne­fits;
the length of the work­ing week.

2 In the event of changes to the con­trac­tu­al ele­ments that are sub­ject to the duty of in­form­a­tion pur­su­ant to para­graph 1 dur­ing the em­ploy­ment re­la­tion­ship, the em­ploy­ee must be in­formed of such changes in writ­ing with­in one month of their entry in­to force.

147 In­ser­ted by Art. 2 No 2 of the FA of 17 Dec. 2004 ap­prov­ing and im­ple­ment­ing the Pro­tocol re­lat­ing to the ex­ten­sion of the Agree­ment between the European Com­munity and its Mem­ber States, of the one part, and the Swiss Con­fed­er­a­tion, of the oth­er, on the free move­ment of per­sons to new EU mem­ber states and ap­prov­ing the re­vi­sion of the ac­com­pa­ny­ing meas­ures on the free move­ment of per­sons, in force since 1 April 2006 (AS 2006 979; BBl 2004 58916565).


144 V 411 (8C_324/2018) from 4. Dezember 2018
Regeste: Art. 1a Abs. 1 und 2 UVG; Art. 1a UVV; Art. 18a IVG; Versicherungsdeckung beim Arbeitsversuch. Wer in den Genuss der Massnahme eines Arbeitsversuchs der Invalidenversicherung im Sinne von Art. 18a IVG gelangt, ist obligatorisch gegen Unfall versichert (E. 2-4).


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