Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 331

D. Em­ploy­ee be­ne­fits pro­vi­sion

I. Ob­lig­a­tions of the em­ploy­er


1 Where the em­ploy­er con­trib­utes to a em­ploy­ee be­ne­fits scheme149 or the em­ploy­ees make their own con­tri­bu­tions, the em­ploy­er must trans­fer these con­tri­bu­tions to a found­a­tion, a co­oper­at­ive or a pub­lic law in­sti­tu­tion.

2 Where the em­ploy­er’s con­tri­bu­tions and any made by the em­ploy­ee are used to take out health in­sur­ance, per­son­al ac­ci­dent in­sur­ance, life as­sur­ance, dis­ab­il­ity in­sur­ance or whole life as­sur­ance in fa­vour of the em­ploy­ee with a reg­u­lated in­sur­ance com­pany or a re­cog­nised health in­sur­ance fund, the em­ploy­er is not ob­liged to trans­fer the con­tri­bu­tions as stip­u­lated in the pre­vi­ous para­graph if an in­de­pend­ent claim against the in­surer would ac­crue to the em­ploy­ee on the oc­cur­rence of the event in­sured against.

3 Where the em­ploy­ee is ob­liged to make con­tri­bu­tions to a be­ne­fits scheme, the em­ploy­er must sim­ul­tan­eously con­trib­ute an amount at least equal to the total con­tri­bu­tions of all his em­ploy­ees; he must fin­ance his con­tri­bu­tions from his own funds or from con­tri­bu­tion re­serves held by the fund which have pre­vi­ously been ac­cu­mu­lated by the em­ploy­er for this pur­pose and are shown sep­ar­ately in the fund’s ac­counts. The em­ploy­er must trans­fer the con­tri­bu­tion de­duc­ted from the em­ploy­ee’s salary to­geth­er with his own con­tri­bu­tion to the be­ne­fits scheme not later than at the end of the first month fol­low­ing the cal­en­dar year or in­sur­ance year for which the con­tri­bu­tions are due.150

4 The em­ploy­er must fur­nish the em­ploy­ee with the ne­ces­sary in­form­a­tion re­gard­ing his rights and en­ti­tle­ments against a be­ne­fits scheme or an in­surer.151

5 At the re­quest of the cent­ral of­fice for ‘Pil­lar 2’ (oc­cu­pa­tion­al pen­sion) in­sur­ance, the em­ploy­er must sup­ply any in­form­a­tion avail­able to him that might fa­cil­it­ate the loc­a­tion of per­sons en­titled to dormant as­sets or of the in­sti­tu­tions that man­age such as­sets.152

149Term in ac­cord­ance with An­nex No 2 of the Ves­ted Be­ne­fits Act of 17 Dec. 1993, in force since 1 Jan. 1995 (AS 1994 2386; BBl 1992 III 533).

150Amended by An­nex No 2 to the FA of 3 Oct. 2003 (OPA Re­vi­sion I), in force since 1 Jan. 2005 (AS 2004 16771700; BBl 20002637).

151Amended by An­nex No 2 to the FA of 17 Dec. 1993 on the Vest­ing of Oc­cu­pa­tion­al Old Age, Sur­viv­ors' and In­valid­ity Be­ne­fits, in force since 1 Jan. 1995 (AS 1994 2386; BBl 1992 III 533).

152 In­ser­ted by No II 2 of the FA of 18 Dec. 1998, in force since 1 May 1999 (AS 1999 1384; BBl 1998 V 5569).


147 III 561 (4A_340/2021) from 27. Oktober 2021
Regeste: a Art. 659a Abs. 1 OR; Ruhen des Stimmrechts; patronale Personalfürsorgestiftung. Hält eine patronale Personalfürsorgestiftung Aktien der Gesellschaft, von der sie beherrscht wird, ruht das aus diesen Aktien fliessende Stimmrecht, sofern nicht mit geeigneten strukturellen Massnahmen sichergestellt ist, dass der Stiftungsrat effektiv und dauernd unabhängig agiert (E. 3-5).

150 II 202 (9C_83/2023) from 19. Dezember 2023
Regeste: a Art. 22 Abs. 1 DBG; Einkünfte aus Vorsorge. Steuerliche Einordnung von Renten (Beiträge wie Auszahlungen) aus einem ausländischen Vorsorgewerk in die Systematik von Art. 22 Abs. 1 DBG (E. 4).


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