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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 333b176

3. Trans­fer of the com­pany on in­solv­ency


If the com­pany or part there­of is trans­ferred dur­ing a debt re­struc­tur­ing morator­i­um, in the course of bank­ruptcy pro­ceed­ings or un­der a com­pos­i­tion agree­ment with as­sign­ment of as­sets, the em­ploy­ment re­la­tion­ship with all rights and ob­lig­a­tions is trans­ferred to the ac­quirer if this has been agreed with the ac­quirer and the em­ploy­ee does not ob­ject to the trans­fer. In ad­di­tion, Art­icle 333, with the ex­cep­tion of its para­graph 3, and 333a ap­ply mu­tatis mutandis.

176In­ser­ted by the An­nex to the FA of 21 June 2013, in force since 1 Jan. 2014 (AS 2013 4111; BBl 2010 6455).