Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 348a

2. Del cre­dere


1 Any agree­ment whereby the com­mer­cial trav­el­ler is made li­able for the cli­ent’s pay­ment or any oth­er type of per­form­ance of the cli­ent’s ob­lig­a­tions or for all or part of the re­cov­ery costs is void.

2 Where the com­mer­cial trav­el­ler con­cludes trans­ac­tions with private in­di­vidu­als, he may by means of a writ­ten un­der­tak­ing as­sume li­ab­il­ity in a giv­en trans­ac­tion for at most one-quarter of the losses in­curred by the em­ploy­er as a res­ult of non-per­form­ance of the cli­ent’s ob­lig­a­tions, on con­di­tion that an ap­pro­pri­ate del cre­dere com­mis­sion is agreed.

3 In the case of in­sur­ance policies the trav­el­ling in­sur­ance broker may by means of a writ­ten un­der­tak­ing as­sume li­ab­il­ity for at most one-half of the re­cov­ery costs where a single-pay­ment premi­um or premi­um in­stal­ments are not paid and he seeks their re­cov­ery by way of leg­al ac­tion or com­puls­ory ex­e­cu­tion.


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