Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 349b

b. Com­mis­sion


1 Where an area or cli­en­tele is al­loc­ated ex­clus­ively to a com­mer­cial trav­el­ler, the agreed or cus­tom­ary com­mis­sion is pay­able to him on all trans­ac­tions con­cluded by him or his em­ploy­er with­in such area or cli­en­tele.

2 If a par­tic­u­lar area or cli­en­tele has not been al­loc­ated ex­clus­ively to him, the com­mer­cial trav­el­ler is en­titled to com­mis­sion only on trans­ac­tions that he per­son­ally brokered or con­cluded.

3 Where it is not yet pos­sible to cal­cu­late the pre­cise value of a trans­ac­tion when the com­mis­sion falls due, the ini­tial com­mis­sion pay­able is based on the min­im­um value cal­cu­lated by the em­ploy­er, with the bal­ance fall­ing due at the latest when the trans­ac­tion is ex­ecuted.


128 III 174 () from 19. März 2002
Regeste: Arbeitsvertrag; Provisionsanspruch (Art. 322b Abs. 1 OR). Begriff und ökonomischer Zweck der Provision. Um die Auszahlung der Provision verlangen zu können, muss der Arbeitnehmer, sofern nichts anderes vereinbart wurde, während des Vertragsverhältnisses entweder das konkrete Geschäft vermittelt oder den Dritten als Kunden für Geschäfte dieser Art geworben haben (E. 2).


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