Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 352a

2. Ma­ter­i­als and work tools


1 The home­work­er is ob­liged to treat the ma­ter­i­als and tools sup­plied by the em­ploy­er with all due care, to give ac­count of how they are used and to re­turn tools and un­used ma­ter­i­als to the em­ploy­er.

2 Where in the course of his work the home­work­er notes de­fects in the ma­ter­i­als or tools sup­plied, he must in­form the em­ploy­er im­me­di­ately and await fur­ther in­struc­tions be­fore con­tinu­ing work.

3 Where the ma­ter­i­als or tools sup­plied have been dam­aged through the fault of the home­work­er, he is li­able to the em­ploy­er at most for the re­place­ment cost.


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