Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 354

IV. Ter­min­a­tion


1 Where tri­al work is as­signed to the home­work­er, un­less oth­er­wise agreed the em­ploy­ment re­la­tion­ship is deemed to have been entered in­to on a tri­al basis for a fixed peri­od.

2 Un­less oth­er­wise agreed, where the home­work­er is en­gaged by the em­ploy­er on a con­tinu­ous basis, the em­ploy­ment re­la­tion­ship is deemed to have been entered in­to for an in­def­in­ite peri­od, and in all oth­er cases it is deemed to have been entered in­to for a fixed peri­od.


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