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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 370

d. Ap­prov­al of the work


1 Once the com­pleted work has been ex­pressly or ta­citly ap­proved by the cus­tom­er, the con­tract­or is re­leased from all li­ab­il­ity save in re­spect of de­fects which could not have been dis­covered on ac­cept­ance and nor­mal in­spec­tion or were de­lib­er­ately con­cealed by the con­tract­or.

2 Ta­cit ap­prov­al is pre­sumed where the cus­tom­er omits to in­spect the work and give no­tice of de­fects as provided by law.

3 Where de­fects come to light only sub­sequently, the cus­tom­er must no­ti­fy the con­tract­or as soon as he be­comes aware of them, oth­er­wise the work is deemed to have been ap­proved even in re­spect of such de­fects.