Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 391

II. De­struc­tion of the edi­tion


1 If an edi­tion already pro­duced by the pub­lish­er is partly or en­tirely des­troyed by chance pri­or to its dis­tri­bu­tion, the pub­lish­er is en­titled to re­place the des­troyed cop­ies at his own ex­pense without giv­ing rise to a claim for ad­di­tion­al re­mu­ner­a­tion on the part of the ori­gin­at­or.

2 The pub­lish­er is ob­liged to re­place the des­troyed cop­ies where this is pos­sible without dis­pro­por­tion­ate ex­pense.


133 III 213 () from 12. Februar 2007
Regeste: Rechtsnatur und Auslegung eines Sozialplans. Kriterien für die rechtliche Einordnung eines Sozialplans (Bestätigung der Rechtsprechung; E. 4.3). Auslegung eines Sozialplans mit normativem Charakter (E. 4.2 und 5).


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