Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 418p

E. Ter­min­a­tion

I. Ex­piry of dur­a­tion


1 Where the com­mer­cial agency con­tract was con­cluded for a fixed term or its dur­a­tion is lim­ited by vir­tue of its pur­pose, it ends without no­tice on ex­piry of that term.

2 Where a fixed-term com­mer­cial agency con­tract is ta­citly ex­ten­ded by both parties on ex­piry of its dur­a­tion, it is deemed to have been re­newed for the same dur­a­tion sub­ject to a max­im­um of one year.

3 Where ter­min­a­tion is sub­ject to pri­or no­tice, fail­ure by both parties to give no­tice is deemed ta­cit re­new­al of the con­tract.


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