Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 444

II. Po­s­i­tion of the car­ri­er

1. Treat­ment of freight

a. De­liv­ery not pos­sible


1 Where the goods are re­jec­ted, the as­so­ci­ated claims re­main un­paid or the con­sign­ee can­not be con­tac­ted, the car­ri­er must in­form the con­signor and in the in­ter­im place the goods in stor­age or de­pos­it them with a third party at the risk and ex­pense of the con­signor.

2 If neither con­signor nor con­sign­ee dis­poses of the goods with­in a reas­on­able peri­od, in the same man­ner as a com­mis­sion agent the car­ri­er may ap­ply to the com­pet­ent au­thor­ity at the place where the goods are loc­ated to ar­range to have them sold in fa­vour of the right­ful be­ne­fi­ciary.


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