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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 488

2. Spe­cif­ic li­ab­il­ity for valu­ables


1 Where valu­ables, large sums of money or se­cur­it­ies are not de­pos­ited with the innkeep­er or hoteli­er, the lat­ter is only li­able for them if he or his staff are at fault.

2 Where he ac­cepts or de­clines the de­pos­it of such items, he is li­able for their full value.

3 Where the guest can­not reas­on­ably be ex­pec­ted to de­pos­it such items, the innkeep­er or hoteli­er is li­able for them as for the oth­er per­son­al ef­fects of the guest.