Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 490

II. Li­ab­il­ity of stable own­ers


1 Own­ers of stables are li­able for any dam­age, de­struc­tion or mis­ap­pro­pri­ation of an­im­als, vehicles and their ap­pur­ten­ances en­trus­ted to or oth­er­wise re­ceived by them or by their staff un­less they can prove that such dam­age is at­trib­ut­able to the bail­or or his vis­it­ors, com­pan­ions or staff or to force ma­jeure or to the nature of the an­im­als or ob­jects de­pos­ited.

2 However, li­ab­il­ity for an­im­als, vehicles and ap­pur­ten­ances ac­com­mod­ated in stables is sub­ject to a max­im­um of 1,000 francs for each bail­or where no fault can be ascribed to the stable own­er or his staff.


120 II 252 () from 14. September 1994
Regeste: Hinterlegung bei Gastwirten (Art. 487 OR). Der Gastwirt haftet beim Diebstahl eines in der Hotelgarage abgestellten Fahrzeuges des Gastes (Bestätigung der Rechtsprechung). Keine Haftung besteht, wenn das Fahrzeug auf dem offenen Hotelparkplatz abgestellt wird.


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