Art. 495
B. Substance I. Particularities of different types of surety 1. Simple surety 1The creditor may resort to a simple surety only if, after the surety was provided, the debtor is declared bankrupt or obtains a debt restructuring moratorium, or is the object of debt enforcement proceedings instigated with due diligence by the creditor which have resulted in the issue of a definitive certificate of loss, or has relocated his domicile abroad and can no longer be sued in Switzerland, or legal action against him in foreign courts has been substantially impeded as a result of such relocation. 2 Where the claim is secured by pledges, a simple surety may require that the creditor satisfy his claim first from such pledges, provided the debtor has not been declared bankrupt or obtained a debt restructuring moratorium. 3 Where the surety has undertaken solely to cover any shortfall suffered by the creditor (indemnity bond), he may not be sued unless a definitive certificate of loss has been issued against the principal debtor or the latter has relocated his domicile abroad and can no longer be sued in Switzerland, or legal action against him in foreign courts has been substantially impeded as a result of such relocation. Where a composition agreement has been concluded, the surety may be sued for the remitted portion of the principal obligation immediately on the entry into force of the composition agreement. 4 Agreements to the contrary are reserved. BGE
125 III 322 () from 14. Juli 1999
Regeste: Bürgschaft auf Zeit; fristgerechte Belangung des Bürgen (Art. 510 Abs. 3 OR). Art. 510 Abs. 3 OR erfasst bei der einfachen Bürgschaft nur die verbürgte Hauptforderung, nicht auch die subsidiäre Bürgschaftsforderung. Das Gebot, die Hauptforderung fristgerecht geltend zu machen und beschleunigt zu verfolgen, gilt nicht für die Bürgschaftsforderung (E. 3a/b). Eine anderslautende Vereinbarung der Parteien vorbehalten, genügt es grundsätzlich, wenn der Gläubiger dem Bürgen binnen vier Wochen nach beendetem Vorgehen gegen den Hauptschuldner anzeigt, die Bürgschaft zu beanspruchen. Einer fristgebundenen Klageanhebung bedarf es nicht (E. 3c/d). |