Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 501

c. Re­sort to the surety


1 The cred­it­or may not ap­ply to the surety in re­spect of the prin­cip­al ob­lig­a­tion be­fore the date fixed for its pay­ment even if such date is brought for­ward fol­low­ing the prin­cip­al debt­or’s bank­ruptcy.

2 Un­der a con­tract of surety of any type, in ex­change for fur­nish­ing real se­cur­ity, the surety may re­quest that the court sus­pend the debt en­force­ment pro­ceed­ings against him un­til all pledges have been real­ised and a defin­it­ive cer­ti­fic­ate of loss has been is­sued against the prin­cip­al debt­or or a com­pos­i­tion agree­ment has been con­cluded with the cred­it­ors.

3 Where the prin­cip­al ob­lig­a­tion may not fall due without no­tice be­ing served by the cred­it­or or the prin­cip­al debt­or, the time lim­it for the surety does not com­mence un­til the date on which he re­ceives such no­tice.

4 Where the ob­lig­a­tion of a prin­cip­al debt­or resid­ing abroad is an­nulled or re­stric­ted by for­eign le­gis­la­tion, such as by pro­vi­sions re­lat­ing to clear­ing sys­tems or a ban on cur­rency trans­fers, a surety res­id­ent in Switzer­land may also rely on such le­gis­la­tion un­less he has waived this de­fence.


119 III 75 () from 14. Juli 1993
Regeste: Rechtsvorschlag in der Wechselbetreibung; Hinterlegung der Forderungssumme. 1. Die Verfügung, mit der dem Gläubiger einerseits die Hinterlegung der Forderungssumme durch den Betriebenen angezeigt und andererseits Frist zur Anhebung der Klage auf Zahlung angesetzt wird, ist ein Endentscheid im Sinne von Art. 87 OG (E. 1a). 2. Eine Solidarbürgschaft stellt keine hinreichende Hinterlegung im Sinne von Art. 182 Ziff. 4 SchKG dar (E. 2).


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