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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 512

IV. Con­tracts of surety for of­fi­cial and civil ser­vice ob­lig­a­tions


1 A con­tract of surety for the per­form­ance of of­fi­cial ob­lig­a­tions con­cluded for an in­def­in­ite term may be ter­min­ated sub­ject to one year’s no­tice ex­pir­ing at the end of a term of of­fice.

2 Where there is no fixed term of of­fice, the surety may ter­min­ate the con­tract by giv­ing one year’s no­tice ex­pir­ing at the end of a four-year peri­od com­men­cing when the of­fice was taken up.

3 A per­son stand­ing surety for the per­form­ance of civil ser­vice ob­lig­a­tions for an in­def­in­ite term has the same right to give no­tice of ter­min­a­tion as un­der an open-ended con­tract of surety for of­fi­cial ob­lig­a­tions.

4 Agree­ments to the con­trary are un­af­fected.