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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 514

B. Deben­tures and vol­un­tary pay­ment


1 A promis­sory note or bill of ex­change signed by the gam­bler or bet­tor to cov­er the sum gambled or bet may not be en­forced even fol­low­ing de­liv­ery of the in­stru­ment, sub­ject to the rights that se­cur­it­ies con­fer on bona fide third parties.

2 A vol­un­tary pay­ment may be re­claimed only where the in­ten­ded gambling or bet­ting activ­ity could not take place as a res­ult of chance oc­cur­rence or the ac­tions of the re­cip­i­ent, or where the lat­ter has com­mit­ted an im­pro­pri­ety.