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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 52

VII. Self-de­fence, ne­ces­sity, le­git­im­ate use of force


1 Where a per­son has ac­ted in self-de­fence, he is not li­able to pay com­pens­a­tion for dam­age caused to the per­son or prop­erty of the ag­gressor.

2 A per­son who dam­ages the prop­erty of an­oth­er in or­der to pro­tect him­self or an­oth­er per­son against im­min­ent dam­age or danger must pay dam­ages at the court’s dis­cre­tion.

3 A per­son who uses force to pro­tect his rights is not li­able in dam­ages if in the cir­cum­stances the as­sist­ance of the au­thor­it­ies could not have been ob­tained in good time and such use of force was the only means of pre­vent­ing the loss of his rights or a sig­ni­fic­ant impair­ment of his abil­ity to ex­er­cise them.