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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 547

II. Ef­fect of dis­sol­u­tion on busi­ness man­age­ment


1 Where the part­ner­ship is dis­solved for any reas­on oth­er than no­tice of ter­min­a­tion, a part­ner re­tains his au­thor­ity to man­age the part­ner­ship’s busi­ness un­til he learns of the dis­sol­u­tion or ought to have learned of it had he shown due di­li­gence.

2 Where the part­ner­ship is dis­solved on the death of a part­ner, the heir of the de­ceased must in­form the oth­er part­ners of his death without delay and con­tin­ue in good faith to at­tend to the part­ner­ship af­fairs of the de­ceased un­til the re­quis­ite ar­range­ments have been made.

3The oth­er part­ners must like­wise con­tin­ue to man­age the part­ner­ship’s busi­ness in the in­ter­im.