Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 653s408

IV. Cap­it­al band

1. Au­thor­isa­tion


1 The art­icles of as­so­ci­ation may au­thor­ise the board of dir­ect­ors to vary the share cap­it­al with­in a band­width (cap­it­al band) for a peri­od not ex­ceed­ing five years. They shall spe­cify the lim­its with­in which the board of dir­ect­ors may in­crease and re­duce the share cap­it­al.

2 The up­per lim­it of the cap­it­al band may not ex­ceed the share cap­it­al spe­cified in the com­mer­cial re­gister by more than half. The lower lim­it of the cap­it­al band may not be less than half of the share cap­it­al spe­cified in the com­mer­cial re­gister.

3 The art­icles of as­so­ci­ation may re­strict the powers of the board of dir­ect­ors. They may in par­tic­u­lar provide that the board of dir­ect­ors may only in­crease or only re­duce the share cap­it­al.

4 The art­icles of as­so­ci­ation may only au­thor­ise the board of dir­ect­ors to re­duce the share cap­it­al if the com­pany has not dis­pensed with a lim­ited audit of the an­nu­al ac­counts.

408 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Com­pany Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).


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