Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 690

4. Mul­tiple be­ne­fi­ciar­ies


1 Where a share is owned col­lect­ively, the be­ne­fi­ciar­ies of the rights it con­fers may ex­er­cise such rights only through a joint rep­res­ent­at­ive.

2 In the case of the usu­fruct of a share, such rights are rep­res­en­ted by the usu­fructu­ary; the usu­fructu­ary is li­able in dam­ages to the own­er for any fail­ure to take due ac­count of the lat­ter’s in­terests when ex­er­cising them.


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