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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 74

B. Place of per­form­ance


1 The place of per­form­ance is de­term­ined by the in­ten­tion of the parties as stated ex­pressly or evid­ent from the cir­cum­stances.

2 Ex­cept where oth­er­wise stip­u­lated, the fol­low­ing prin­ciples ap­ply:

pe­cu­ni­ary debts must be paid at the place where the cred­it­or is res­id­ent at the time of per­form­ance;
where a spe­cif­ic ob­ject is owed, it must be de­livered at the place where it was loc­ated when the con­tract was entered in­to;
oth­er ob­lig­a­tions must be dis­charged at the place where the ob­lig­or was res­id­ent at the time they arose.

3 Where the ob­li­gee may re­quire per­form­ance of an ob­lig­a­tion at his dom­i­cile but this has changed since the ob­lig­a­tion arose, thereby sig­ni­fic­antly hinder­ing per­form­ance by the ob­lig­or, the lat­ter is en­titled to render per­form­ance at the ori­gin­al dom­i­cile.