Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 742

III. Li­quid­a­tion pro­cess

1. Bal­ance sheet, call on cred­it­ors


1 On tak­ing up their of­fice, the li­quid­at­ors must draw up a bal­ance sheet.

2 The cred­it­ors shall be in­formed of the dis­sol­u­tion of the com­pany and re­ques­ted to re­gister their claims, by sep­ar­ate let­ter in the case of cred­it­ors iden­ti­fi­able from the ac­count­ing re­cords or in some oth­er man­ner, and by pub­lic an­nounce­ment in the Swiss Of­fi­cial Gaz­ette of Com­merce as well as in the form en­vis­aged in the art­icles of as­so­ci­ation in the case of un­known cred­it­ors and those whose ad­dress is not known.


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