Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 849

E. Trans­fer of mem­ber­ship

I. In gen­er­al


1 The as­sign­ment of shares in the co­oper­at­ive and, where a cer­ti­fic­ate is is­sued as proof of mem­ber­ship or such share, the trans­fer of this cer­ti­fic­ate do not auto­mat­ic­ally make the ac­quirer a mem­ber. The ac­quirer be­comes a mem­ber only after the ex­ist­ing mem­bers have passed a res­ol­u­tion of ac­cept­ance as re­quired by law and the art­icles of as­so­ci­ation.

2 Un­til such time as the ac­quirer be­comes a mem­ber, the ali­en­at­or is en­titled to ex­er­cise the per­son­al mem­ber­ship rights.

3 Where mem­ber­ship of a co­oper­at­ive is linked with a con­tract, the art­icles of as­so­ci­ation may stip­u­late that, if the con­tract is sub­sequently taken over, mem­ber­ship auto­mat­ic­ally passes to the leg­al suc­cessor.


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