Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 1008

6. Pro­cur­a­tion en­dorse­ment


1 Where the en­dorse­ment con­tains the com­ment “value for col­lec­tion”, “for col­lec­tion”, “per pro.” or some oth­er com­ment ex­press­ing no more than au­thor­isa­tion, the hold­er may ex­er­cise all the rights un­der the bill of ex­change; however, he may trans­fer it only by means of a fur­ther pro­cur­a­tion en­dorse­ment.

2 In this case, the parties li­able on a bill may plead against the hold­er only such de­fences as are avail­able to them against the en­dors­er.

3 The au­thor­ity con­ferred by the pro­cur­a­tion en­dorse­ment is not ex­tin­guished on the death or in­ca­pa­city of the per­son con­fer­ring it.


99 IA 1 () from 28. Februar 1973
Regeste: Art. 4 BV; Wechselbetreibung. Art. 991 Ziffer 8 OR: Unterschrift des Ausstellers als Bestandteil des gezogenen Wechsels. Fehlen einer Kollektivunterschrift beim Handeln im Namen einer juristischen Person. Analoge Anwendung von Art. 998 OR? (Erw. 1 und 2). Einreden aus Art. 1007 OR: Bedeutung der Eintragung der Kollektivunterschrift im Handelsregister (Erw. 3 a).


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