Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 1017

7. Dom­i­cili­ate and bill dom­i­cile


1 Where the draw­er has in­dic­ated on the bill of ex­change a bill dom­i­cile oth­er than the dom­i­cile of the drawee but without des­ig­nat­ing a third party by whom pay­ment is to be made, the drawee may des­ig­nate a third party when he de­clares ac­cept­ance. In the ab­sence of such des­ig­na­tion it is pre­sumed that the ac­cept­or him­self has un­der­taken to pay the bill at its dom­i­cile.

2 Where the bill of ex­change is dom­i­ciled with the drawee him­self, he may des­ig­nate in his de­clar­a­tion of ac­cept­ance an agent at the bill dom­i­cile by whom the pay­ment will be made.


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