Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 1049

e. Re-ex­change bill


1 A party with right of re­course may, where no com­ment to the con­trary ex­ists, ex­er­cise such right by draw­ing a new bill of ex­change (re-ex­change bill) on one of his pre­ced­ing en­dors­ers which is pay­able on sight at the place of res­id­ence of the pre­ced­ing en­dors­er.

2 In ad­di­tion to the amounts spe­cified in Art­icles 1045 and 1046, the re-ex­change bill in­cludes the broker­age fee and the stamp duty for the re-ex­change bill.

3 Where the re-ex­change bill is drawn by the hold­er, the bill amount is de­pend­ent on the rate ap­plic­able to a sight bill drawn from the bill dom­i­cile of the ori­gin­al bill of ex­change at the dom­i­cile of the pre­ced­ing en­dors­er. Where the re-ex­change bill is drawn by an en­dors­er, the bill amount is de­pend­ent on the rate ap­plic­able to a sight bill drawn from the dom­i­cile of the draw­er of the re-ex­change bill at the dom­i­cile of the pre­ced­ing en­dors­er.


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