Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 1063

X. Pro­duc­tion of Mul­tiple Du­plic­ates and Cop­ies of Bills of Ex­change

1. Du­plic­ates

a. Right to make du­plic­ates


1 The bill of ex­change may be is­sued in mul­tiple identic­al du­plic­ates.

2 Such du­plic­ates must be giv­en seri­al num­bers with­in the text on the in­stru­ment; oth­er­wise, each du­plic­ate counts as a sep­ar­ate bill of ex­change.

3 Every hold­er of a bill of ex­change may re­quest that mul­tiple du­plic­ates be sup­plied to him at his own ex­pense, provided the text of the bill of ex­change does not stip­u­late that it was made out as a single copy. To do so, the hold­er must con­tact the pre­ced­ing en­dors­er im­me­di­ately be­fore him, who in turn must con­tact his im­me­di­ately pre­ced­ing en­dors­er, and so on in se­quence back to the draw­er. The en­dors­ers are ob­liged to re­peat their en­dorse­ments on the newly is­sued du­plic­ates.


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