Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 1067

b. Sur­render of the ori­gin­al bill


1 The cus­todi­an of the ori­gin­al bill must be in­dic­ated on the copy. The cus­todi­an is ob­liged to sur­render the ori­gin­al bill to the right­ful hold­er of the copy.

2 Where he re­fuses to sur­render it, the hold­er has right of re­course against the en­dors­ers of the copy and against per­sons who have ap­pen­ded a de­clar­a­tion of guar­an­tee to it only after ar­ran­ging for protest to be made, thereby con­firm­ing that the ori­gin­al bill was not sur­rendered to him on re­quest.

3 Where the ori­gin­al bill bears the com­ment “hence­for­ward en­dorse­ments val­id only if made on copy” or a com­ment to that ef­fect ap­pen­ded to the last en­dorse­ment be­fore the copy was made, any sub­sequent en­dorse­ment ad­ded to the ori­gin­al bill is void.


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