Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 1141

b. Law of the place of pay­ment


The law of the coun­try in whose ter­rit­ory the cheque is pay­able de­term­ines:

wheth­er the cheque is ne­ces­sar­ily pay­able on sight or wheth­er it may be drawn for a spe­cified time after sight and what the ef­fects are if a date later than the real is­sue date is in­dic­ated on the cheque;
the time lim­it for present­a­tion;
wheth­er a cheque may be ac­cep­ted, cer­ti­fic­ated, con­firmed or giv­en a mark of ap­prov­al and what the ef­fects of such com­ments are;
wheth­er the bear­er may re­quest part pay­ment and wheth­er he must ac­cept part pay­ment;
wheth­er a cheque may be crossed or have the com­ment “ac­count pay­ee only” or an equi­val­ent com­ment ap­pen­ded to it and what the ef­fects of such cross­ing or com­ment are;
wheth­er the bear­er has spe­cif­ic rights to the cov­er and what the nature of such rights is;
wheth­er the draw­er may re­voke the cheque or protest against pay­ment of the cheque;
the meas­ures to be taken in the event of the loss or theft of the cheque;
wheth­er a protest or equi­val­ent de­clar­a­tion is re­quired to pre­serve the right of re­course against the en­dors­er, the draw­er and the oth­er parties li­able for the cheque.

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