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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 1159

II. Powers

1. In gen­er­al


1 The rep­res­ent­at­ive has such powers as are con­ferred on him by law, the bond is­sue con­di­tions or the cred­it­ors’ meet­ing.

2 His du­ties are to re­quest that the bor­row­er con­vene a cred­it­ors’ meet­ing where the con­di­tions for such con­voc­a­tion ob­tain, to im­ple­ment its res­ol­u­tions and to rep­res­ent the com­munity of cred­it­ors with­in the bounds of the powers con­ferred on him.

3 To the ex­tent that the rep­res­ent­at­ive is au­thor­ised to as­sert the cred­it­ors’ rights, the in­di­vidu­al cred­it­ors are not en­titled to ex­er­cise their rights in­de­pend­ently.