Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 1170

D. Res­ol­u­tions of the com­munity of cred­it­ors

I. En­croach­ment on cred­it­ors’ rights

1. Ad­miss­ib­il­ity and re­quired ma­jor­ity

a. In the case of only one com­munity of cred­it­ors


1 A ma­jor­ity of at least two-thirds of the bond cap­it­al in cir­cu­la­tion is re­quired to pass a val­id res­ol­u­tion in con­nec­tion with the fol­low­ing meas­ures:

morator­i­um on in­terest for up to five years, with the op­tion of ex­tend­ing the morator­i­um twice for up to five years each time;
waiver of up to five years’ worth of in­terest with­in a sev­en-year peri­od;
de­crease of the in­terest rate by up to one-half of the rate en­vis­aged in the bond is­sue con­di­tions or con­ver­sion of a fixed in­terest rate in­to a rate de­pend­ent on the busi­ness res­ults, both meas­ures to last for up to ten years, with the op­tion of an ex­ten­sion for up to five years;
ex­ten­sion of the re­demp­tion time lim­it by up to ten years by means of a re­duc­tion in the an­nu­al pay­ment or an in­crease in the num­ber of the re­demp­tion shares or tem­por­ary sus­pen­sion of such pay­ments, with the op­tion of an ex­ten­sion for up to five years;
sus­pen­sion of a bond is­sue now due or matur­ing with­in five years or of por­tions there­of for up to ten years, with the op­tion of an ex­ten­sion for up to five years;
au­thor­isa­tion of an early re­demp­tion of the bond cap­it­al;
grant­ing of a pri­or­ity li­en for new cap­it­al raised for the is­su­ing com­pany and changes to the col­lat­er­al provided for a bond is­sue or full or par­tial waiver of such col­lat­er­al;
con­sent to an amend­ment of the pro­vi­sions gov­ern­ing re­stric­tions on is­sues of bonds in re­la­tion to the share cap­it­al;
con­sent to a full or par­tial con­ver­sion of bonds in­to shares.

2 These meas­ures may be com­bined.


84 III 122 () from 27. November 1958
Regeste: Nachlassvertrag einer privaten Eisenbahnunternehmung. 1. Annahme des Nachlassvertrags (Art. 65 VZEG). Beschlussfassung über die Umwandlung von Prioritäts- in Stammaktien (Art. 51 Abs. 4 VZEG, Art. 654/655 OR). 2. Verweigerung der Bestätigung des Nachlassvertrags wegen unredlicher oder grobfahrlässiger (sehr leichtfertiger) Handlungen zum Nachteil der Gläubiger? (Art. 68 Ziff. 3 VZEG, Art. 306 Abs. 1 SchKG). 3. Klagefristansetzung an die Gläubiger bestrittener Forderungen? (Art. 69 VZEG). Welche Bedeutung kommt den Entscheidungen, die der Masseverwalter im Zwangsliquidationsverfahren gemäss Art. 26 VZEG über die eingegebenen Forderungen erlassen hat, in einem gemäss Art. 76 VZEG während der Zwangsliquidation eingeleiteten Nachlassverfahren zu? 4. Wieweit ist die Vorschrift des Art. 47 VZEG über die Behandlung nicht bezogener Abfindungsbeträge für Obligationäre im Nachlassverfahren entsprechend anzuwenden? (Änderung der Rechtsprechung).


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