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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 259g

6. De­pos­it of rent

a. Gen­er­al prin­ciple


1 A ten­ant of im­mov­able prop­erty re­quest­ing that a de­fect be remedied must, in writ­ing, set the land­lord a reas­on­able time lim­it with­in which to com­ply with such re­quest and may warn him that, in the event of fail­ure to com­ply, on ex­piry of the time lim­it the ten­ant will de­pos­it his fu­ture rent pay­ments with an of­fice des­ig­nated by the can­ton. He must no­ti­fy the land­lord in writ­ing of his in­ten­tion to pay rent on de­pos­it.

2 Rent paid on de­pos­it is deemed duly paid.