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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 299

N. Re­turn of the ob­ject

I. In gen­er­al


1 At the end of the usu­fructu­ary lease, the less­ee must re­turn the ob­ject to­geth­er with all items lis­ted in the in­vent­ory in the con­di­tion they are in at that time.

2 He is en­titled to com­pens­a­tion for im­prove­ments which res­ult:

from en­deav­ours ex­ceed­ing the nor­mal de­gree of di­li­gence due in man­aging the ob­ject;
for renov­a­tions or modi­fic­a­tions to which the lessor gave his writ­ten con­sent.

3 He must com­pensate the lessor for any de­teri­or­a­tion that could have been pre­ven­ted by di­li­gent man­age­ment of the ob­ject.

4 Any agree­ment whereby the less­ee un­der­takes to pay com­pens­a­tion on ter­min­a­tion of the lease is void ex­cept in­so­far as such com­pens­a­tion relates to pos­sible dam­age.