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Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Art. 335d183

IIbis. Mass re­dund­an­cies

1. Defin­i­tion


Mass re­dund­an­cies are no­tices of ter­min­a­tion giv­en by the em­ploy­er to em­ploy­ees of a busi­ness with­in 30 days of each oth­er for reas­ons not per­tain­ing per­son­ally to the em­ploy­ees and which af­fect:

at least 10 em­ploy­ees in a busi­ness nor­mally em­ploy­ing more than 20 and few­er than 100 em­ploy­ees;
at least 10% of the em­ploy­ees of a busi­ness nor­mally em­ploy­ing at least 100 and few­er than 300 em­ploy­ees;
at least 30 em­ploy­ees in a busi­ness nor­mally em­ploy­ing at least 300 em­ploy­ees.

183In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 17 Dec. 1993, in force since 1 May 1994 (AS 1994804; BBl 1993 I 805).