Art. 356
A. The Collective Employment Contract I. Definition, content, form and duration 1. Definition and content 1 A collective employment contract is a contract whereby employers or employers’ associations and employees’ associations jointly lay down clauses governing the conclusion, nature and termination of employment relationships between the employers and individual employees. 2 The collective employment contract may also contain other clauses, provided they pertain to the relationship between employers and employees or are limited to the formulation of such clauses. 3 Further, the collective employment contract may define the mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties and the monitoring and enforcement of the clauses specified in the previous paragraphs. 4 Where more than one employers’ association and/or employees’ association is bound by the collective employment contract either from the outset or as a result of subsequent accession with the consent of the original contracting parties, they have equal rights and obligations thereunder and any contrary agreement is void. |