Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 454

7. Pre­scrip­tion of ac­tions for dam­ages


1 Ac­tions for dam­ages against the car­ri­er pre­scribe one year after the sched­uled de­liv­ery date in the case of de­struc­tion, loss or delay and one year after the date on which the goods were de­livered to the con­sign­ee in the case of dam­age.

2 The con­sign­ee and the con­signor may al­ways as­sert their claims against the car­ri­er by way of de­fence, provided that ob­jec­tions are lodged with­in one year and that the claim is not ex­tin­guished by ac­cept­ance of the goods.

3The above does not ap­ply to cases of malice or gross neg­li­gence on the part of the car­ri­er.


91 II 291 () from 13. Juli 1965
Regeste: Miete einer Baumaschine (Bagger) mit Bedienungsmann. Haftung des Mieters für eine in erster Linie vom Bedienungsmann verursachte Beschädigung der Maschine (Art. 97 Abs. 1, 101 Abs. 1, 261 Abs.1 und 272 Abs. 1 und 2 OR). Bemessung des Schadenersatzes (Art. 99 Abs. 3 und 43 Abs. 1 OR).


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