Art. 455
C. State-owned and licensed carriers 1 Carriers operating under state licence are not empowered to exclude or restrict in advance the application of the provisions governing the carrier’s liability to their own benefit by means of special agreement or regulations governing their operations. 2 However, the parties may derogate contractually from said provisions to the extent permitted by this Title. 3 The special provisions governing contracts for the carriage of goods by providers of postal services, the railways and steamers are unaffected.268 268 Amended by Annex No II 2 of the Postal Services Act of 17 Dec. 2010, in force since 1 Oct. 2012 (AS 2012 4993; BBl 2009 5181). BGE
102 IB 314 () from 15. Oktober 1976
Regeste: Zulässigkeit der verwaltungsrechtlichen Klage. Die Beziehungen zwischen dem Mieter eines in einem Bahnhof installierten Schliessfaches und den SBB sind privatrechtlicher Natur; Haftungsansprüche sind vor den Zivilgerichten und nicht mit verwaltungsrechtlicher Klage beim Bundesgericht geltend zu machen. |