Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 505

g. Cred­it­or’s duty to no­ti­fy and to re­gister his claim in bank­ruptcy and com­pos­i­tion pro­ceed­ings


1 Where the debt­or is six months in ar­rears in the pay­ment of cap­it­al, in­terest ac­crued over half a year or an an­nu­al re­pay­ment, the cred­it­or must no­ti­fy the surety. The cred­it­or must in­form the surety of the status of the prin­cip­al ob­lig­a­tion on re­quest.

2 In the event of bank­ruptcy or com­pos­i­tion pro­ceed­ings con­cern­ing the prin­cip­al debt­or, the cred­it­or must re­gister his claim and do everything con­scion­able to safe­guard his rights. He must in­form the surety of the bank­ruptcy or debt re­struc­tur­ing morator­i­um as soon as he him­self learns of it.

3 Should the cred­it­or fail to take any of these ac­tions, he for­feits his claims against the surety to the ex­tent of any dam­age to the lat­ter res­ult­ing from such fail­ure.


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