Art. 657431
K. Dividend rights certificates 1 The articles of association may provide for the creation of dividend rights certificates in favour of persons linked with the company by previous capital participation or by virtue of being shareholders, creditors, employees or similar. The articles of association must indicate the number of dividend rights certificates issued and the nature of the associated rights. 2 Such dividend rights certificates entitle their holders only to a share in the disposable profit or the proceeds of liquidation or to subscribe to new shares. 3 The dividend rights certificate must not have a nominal value; it must not be called a participation certificate or issued in exchange for a capital contribution stated as an asset in the balance sheet. 4 By operation of law, the beneficiaries under dividend rights certificates form a community to which the provisions governing the community of bond creditors apply mutatis mutandis. However, a decision to waive some or all rights under dividend rights certificates is binding only if taken by the holders of a majority of all such certificates in circulation. 5 Dividend rights certificates may be created in favour of the company’s founder members only by means of the original articles of association. 431 Amended by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991, in force since 1 July 1992 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). |