Art. 697d512
2. If the motion is rejected by the general meeting 1 Where the general meeting rejects the motion, shareholders may within three months request the court to order the special investigation, provided that together they hold at least one of the following participations:
2 The request to order a special investigation may extend to all issues that were the subject of the request for information or to inspect or that were addressed in the debate on the motion to conduct a special investigation at the general meeting, provided their answering is required in order for shareholders to exercise their rights. 3 The court shall order the special investigation if the applicantsmake a prima facie case that the founder members or corporate bodies have violated the law or the articles of association and the violation is likely to harm the company or the shareholders. 512 Inserted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). Amended by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Company Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399). BGE
150 III 174 (4A_369/2023) from 3. Januar 2024
Regeste: Art. 962 OR; Recht auf Abschluss nach anerkanntem Standard zur Rechnungslegung; Frist. Das Recht, gestützt auf Art. 962 Abs. 2 Ziff. 1 OR für ein bestimmtes Geschäftsjahr einen Abschluss nach einem anerkannten Standard zur Rechnungslegung zu verlangen, ist spätestens sechs Monate vor dem Stichtag der Abschlussbilanz des betreffenden Geschäftsjahrs auszuüben, jedenfalls bei Aktiengesellschaften (E. 3, 5 und 6). |