Federal Act
on the Amendment of the Swiss Civil Code
(Part Five: The Code of Obligations)

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Art. 697f514

4. Con­duct of the spe­cial in­vest­ig­a­tion


1 The spe­cial in­vest­ig­a­tion shall be con­duc­ted with­in a reas­on­able peri­od of time and without un­ne­ces­sary dis­rup­tion of busi­ness op­er­a­tions.

2 Found­ing mem­bers, cor­por­ate bod­ies, agents, em­ploy­ees, ad­min­is­trat­ors and li­quid­at­ors must provide the ex­perts with in­form­a­tion about any mat­ters of sig­ni­fic­ance. In cases of doubt, the court de­cides.

3 The ex­perts shall hear the com­pany on the res­ults of the spe­cial in­vest­ig­a­tion.

4 They are re­quired to pre­serve con­fid­en­ti­al­ity.

514 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1991 (AS 1992 733; BBl 1983 II 745). Amended by No I of the FA of 19 June 2020 (Com­pany Law), in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2020 4005; 2022 109; BBl 2017 399).


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